Sunday 17 April 2011

Monday 4 April 2011

I honestly don't know what to post here. I'll just do whatever I want. Who has noticed that Breaking Dawn is commonly abbreviated as BD and Stephenie Meyer as SM? When you put them together you get... BDSM! Ha, that's funny, I wonder if she ever knew... Most probably not, she's stupid, although, I have to say, she makes a nice world. I don't like the story, but the world is really nice. The wolves, the vampires, the characters...  speaking of which, I'm on a Twilight Roleplay that is the BEST!
It is awesome! Most of the cannon characters are taken, but... come in and make an OC, but it's focused primarily on the wolfpack, so if you don't like wolves... haha. Anyway, there's some things you should know. Sam never imprinted on Emily and he and Leah are happily married. An OC, Jason imprinted on Emily. Quil did imprint on Claire and Rebecca (Black) imprinted on him. Harry Clearwater is still alive and so is Sarah Black. Jared is imprinted on an OC named Charlotte, or Charlie. What else... Collin is imprinted on an OC named Cecelia, Brady on an OC named Trinity. I don't know what else.